Taking weight loss medications may not always lead to fat loss, but their basic purpose is helping overweight patients stay on a healthy diet, because they work by suppressing their appetite.
Basically, feeling full is related to a range of important biochemical processes in the human body, and these signals come from the gastrointestinal tract and fat cells that transmit them to the central nervous system.
Available appetite suppressants are focused on specific neurotransmitters during this process, including norepinephrine and serotonin.
When the levels of the latter one increase, it results in feeling full, while increasing the levels of norepinephrine is responsible for reducing the appetite and stimulating the central nervous system.
There is only one medication that works differently, because Xenical or Orlistat works in people’s gastrointestinal track to prevent the absorption of 1/3 of ingested fats.
All weight loss medications can be divided into three basic types, such as:
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