Those men who suffer from erectile dysfunction are familiar with the uses of Kamagra because this medication is taken to solve erectile problems. Basically, it belongs to PDE-5 inhibitors, and it contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient. This ED medicine works by inhibiting PDE-5, thus, regulating penile blood flow and ensuring stronger and longer lasting erections.
Originally, Kamagra was developed as an effective antihypertensive medication, and this means that its basic indication was treating hypertension, but now its uses to get rid of erectile dysfunction.
It’s the main health condition treated by Kamagra, and it’s all about a persistent inability of men to get and keep a healthy erection necessary to ensure their satisfactory sexual intercourse. This disorder is not threatening, but it leads to certain personal problems, including reduced self-confidence and overall quality of life.
When it comes to pulmonary arterial hypertension, Kamagra can also be taken to treat this condition because it works by normalizing blood pressure, increasing exercise capacity, and improving gas exchange according to the latest medical studies.
Nowadays, this health condition is quite rare, and it results in an increased blood flow and additional medical problems, including portal hypertension, thyroid disease and so on.
Kamagra is available in the form of small and blu diamond-shaped tablets which come in 4- or single-pill packs.
It’s necessary to take this ED medication orally with enough water, and the right dosage to treat male impotence is 50 mg taken only once a day, but patients need to do it about 1 hour before their planned sexual act.
Besides, everything is based on effectiveness and personal tolerance, so this dosage can be increased up to 100 mg or decreased up to 25 mg taken once a day.
Kamagra is absorbed fast, and its maximal effect appears 30 minutes after its intake. Men should understand that overdosing often leads to serious health complications, so they need to contact hospitals once they notice any symptoms of poisoning.
This ED medication contains sildenafil citrate, and it works by preventing cGMP from being affected by PDE-5.
The first enzyme is responsible for strong and lasting erections because it both triggers and restricts the relaxation and contraction of penile smooth muscles.
Kamagra works as an effective binding agent of PDE-5, thus, inhibiting it and providing users with improved erections. As a result of its intake, muscles are relaxed and cGMP levels are increased, but men must be sexually aroused to achieve this effect.
According to conducted studies and tests, Kamagra may lead to specific side effects, including: