Erectile problems are familiar to many men these days, and that’s why they decide to take Silagra, which is an effective ED medicine that contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient and affects their response to sexual stimulation.
Basically, it functions by improving the smooth muscle relaxation of penile tissues because it affects nitric oxide, an important enzyme released naturally. This is what allows users to benefit from an increased blood flow in their penile tissues.
This medication can be taken by men who suffer both from erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension.
For patients, it’s necessary to take Silagra orally and with a full glass of water at least 30 minutes before their planned sexual activity. However, it’s not allowed to take this medicine more than only once a day to avoid overdosing and associated health problems.
Men should remember that fat and heavy meals may delay the response time of Silagra. They are also not recommended to drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit when taking this medicine because these products also affect its effectiveness.
Before starting this ED treatment, male patients need to tell their doctors if they have any allergic reactions to its active ingredient and inform them about their entire medical history. Older patients tend to be more sensitive to the side effects associated with the intake of Silagra.
This ED medication is often contraindicated in those men who take other pills that treat male impotence or use nitrates for heart issues and chest pain. Moreover, this medicine is not designed to be taken by women and kids, and those patients who have any hypersensitivity to its components are not allowed to use Silagra.
Some of the most common side effects associated with the use of Silagra include the following:
The good news is that any negative symptoms are rare, and they often pass away when men reduce their doses. Allergic reactions to Silagra are also very rare, but patients need to get urgent medical help if they notice any signs.
Most of those people who undergo this ED treatment don’t have any adverse effects, but if you notice any of them, you should call your doctor at once.
Silagra shouldn’t be combined with recreational drugs or poppers, nitrates, alpha-blockers, other ED pills, meds for hypertension and others. That’s why men need to discuss possible drug interactions with their doctors, especially if they have to take other meds together with Silagra.
This is how they will avoid dangerous combinations and unwanted side effects. This medicine is taken when needed, so there is no dosing schedule involved, but men need to avoid overdosing. Finally, Silagra must be stored properly.