There are many pills that can be found on the modern market to treat erectile dysfunction, or male impotence, and Suhagra is one of them.
What makes it different and better?
This medicine is manufactured by Cipla, and it contains sildenafil citrate as its basic component.It’s quite similar to Viagra, but the main difference is its affordable price that makes it so attractive for many men. Other benefits of choosing Suhagra is that this ED medicine is available in its soft form that is fast dissolved, and it’s possible to mix it with alcohol and fatty meals.
Nowadays, consumers can find Suhagra in packs that contain from 20 to 120 pills, and its available doses are 50 mg and 100 mg. It’s quite easy to split each tablet in half, and each package comes in the form of normal strips. This effective ED medication can be found in both online and standard pharmacies.
Most patients take Suhagra 50 mg only once a day when needed, and this dosage should be used about 1 hour before their planned sexual activity. This dose can be both reduced and increased according to their individual response, side effects, etc.
It’s not recommended to take more than 100 mg of Suhagra at once to avoid possible risks. Patients should understand that this medication doesn’t protect users from all kinds of sexually transmitted diseases, but it can make their intimate life more pleasant and active.
Suhagra is taken and prescribed as a fast and effective ED treatment, and its active ingredient works by blocking PDE-5 that affects the right functioning of cGMP.
However, the action of this medicine depends on sildenafil citrate that improves the blood flow in penile tissues, thus, resulting in stronger and better erections when men are sexually aroused.
This important chemical works by relaxing penile arteries and helps users increase the blood flow.
The effectiveness and affordable price of Suhagra make it a great choice for many men who want to solve erectile problems.
This medication is designed to help men get and keep their erections, but there are some side effects associated with its use, including:
These unwanted symptoms are quite rare, but all patients who experience them should inform their doctors to avoid further health complications.
In addition, Suhagra shouldn’t be combined with certain drugs, including nitrates and MAO inhibitors, to avoid an increased risk of having adverse reactions and reduced effectiveness.
That’s why men should always consult physicians before starting any ED treatment to get the most out of it.